
TV Project Season Id
Example Value: 4830358
Your API key
Example Value: 72Agh048-25FD-4A08-BghB-0FBA05346545

Sample Resource URL

Sample Response

        "EPISODE_ID": 4929792,
        "NAME": "Yanks in the U.K.,
         Part 1"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4942283,
        "NAME": "Yanks in the U.K.,
         Part 2"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4923269,
        "NAME": "Man in the Outhouse"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4910067,
        "NAME": "Finger in the Nest"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4921042,
        "NAME": "Perfect Pieces in the Purple Pond"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4941760,
        "NAME": "Crank In The Shaft"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4925418,
        "NAME": "He in the She"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4919069,
        "NAME": "Skull in the Sculpture"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4925528,
        "NAME": "Con Man in the Meth Lab"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4897059,
        "NAME": "Passenger in the Oven"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4896603,
        "NAME": "Bone That Blew"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4926447,
        "NAME": "Double Trouble in the Panhandle"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4901660,
        "NAME": "Fire in the Ice"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4913835,
        "NAME": "Hero in the Hold"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4944772,
        "NAME": "Princess and the Pear"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4911642,
        "NAME": "Bones That Foam"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4908992,
        "NAME": "Salt in the Wounds"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4947008,
        "NAME": "Doctor in the Den"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4906478,
        "NAME": "Science in the Physicist"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4925422,
        "NAME": "Cinderella in the Cardboard"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4937545,
        "NAME": "Mayhem on a Cross"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4912051,
        "NAME": "Double Death of the Dearly Departed"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4930477,
        "NAME": "Girl in the Mask"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4941158,
        "NAME": "Beaver in the Otter"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4953462,
        "NAME": "Critic in the Cabernet"
        "EPISODE_ID": 4935088,
        "NAME": "End in the Beginning"